Cutting edge
We assist Breadware with many of their projects. Combined with their in-house expertise in IoT, the Tempest Team helps them build the related web and mobile applications.
Breadware, makers of fine IoT products

Cutting edge

We assist Breadware with many of their projects. Combined with their in-house expertise in IoT, the Tempest Team helps them build the related web and mobile applications.
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Project Summary

We assist Breadware with many of their projects. Combined with their in-house expertise in IoT, the Tempest Team helps them build the related web and mobile applications.

key value add

We’ve worked closely over the years with Breadware, providing them with web and mobile app solutions for their IoT projects. We were the first company added to their vendor marketplace.


  • Build and maintain software apps that connect to IOT devices


  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • Electron
  • NodeJS
  • HTML5
  • CSS3